Developer Guide
We are developers who make hardware for developers, so we have made it easy for you to integrate with our hardware without having to buy any devices from us.
Try out our integration platform here.
The documentation on this page will show you how the Telli Health device data is transmitted to your platform.
All readings received by Telli Health are sent in near realtime by HTTPS POST to the POST URL in your profile.
All data packets are backed up in a Telli Health Secure Database in the event of system outages.
Upon purchase of your order, you should expect an email that will contain the Device ID and Serial number to match the device to a user on your platform.
Please note that an authentication token can be requested to be added to all headers.
In the headers it will read
x-api-key: <token>
Please contact support to enable authentications for your connection.
Defining Data Patterns
SpO2 Pulse Oximeter
deviceId – This is the deviceID of the device and will be provided to you on the side of the box and in an Excel file from Telli Health.
readingType – This is the device type for SpO2. It will always come as SpO2.
time – This is the time when the reading was taken.
data – Data transmitted.
spo2 – Blood Oxygen readings will range from 000 to 099.
pulse – Pulse readings will range from 000 to 200.
Sample Payload.
"deviceId": "24ba8bd7-92e1-4b53-9304-32f4f04e6ad6",
"readingType": "SpO2",
"time": "1617084106540",
"data": {
"spo2": 75,
"pulse": 61
Blood Pressure
deviceId – This is the deviceID of the device and will be provided to you on the side of the box and in an Excel file from Telli Health.
readingType – This is the device type for BloodPressure. It will always come as Blood Pressure.
time – This is the time when the reading was taken.
systolic – User’s Systolic reading.
diastolic – User’s Diastolic reading
pulse – User’s Pulse reading.
arrhythmia – Will display 1 if an irregular heartbeat is detected, or 0 if not detected.
Sample Payload.
“deviceId”: “f9ac99cc-6578-45e2-9612-76ca8c2a7fce”,
“readingType”: “BloodPressure”,
“time”: “1617084106540”,
“data”: {
“systolic”: 90,
“diastolic”: 91,
“pulse”: 69,
“arrhythmia”: 1
Blood Glucose
deviceId – This is the ID of the device and will be provided to you on the side of the box and in an Excel file from Telli Health.
readingType – This is the device type for BloodGlucose. It will always come as BloodGlucose.
time – This is the time when the reading was taken.
data – Data transmitted.
glucose – User’s glucose level in mg/dl.
diastolic – User’s Diastolic reading
readingPeriod – This will display before or after based on user’s input for meals.
Sample Payload.
“deviceId”: “5fbf33aa-ba27-4527-8785-9259d08a55a4”,
“readingType”: “BloodGlucose”,
“time”: “1617084106540”,
“data”: {
“glucose”: 56,
“readingPeriod”: “before”
Weight Scale
Sample Payload
{ “deviceId”: “1234589”,
“readingType”: “Weight”,
“time”: “1621279157447”,
 “weight”: 931,
“unit”: “lbs”
Sample Payload
{ “deviceId”: “1234589”,
“readingType”: “Temperature”,
“time”: “1629269150331”,
 “temperature”: 67.6,
“unit”: “F”
Sleep and Resting Heart Rate Monitor
The sleep mat collects data during a fixed 12 hour interval from 8pm (20:00) and 8am (08:00). During this time there are 2 types of readings that are received. All of the average numbers are taken during the time the sleep mat is actively being used. If the person gets out of bed and the mat is not active, then the sampling is paused until the presence is detected again.
SleepingMatActivity – occurs on 4 hour intervals after 20:00 and after activity is detected.
SleepingMatDuration – occurs 1 time at the end of the sleep interval
SleepingMatActivity example and definitions
“deviceId”: “523523452435”,
“readingType”: “SleepingMatActivity”,
“time”: “1660057316676”,
“data”: {
“respiration”: 11,
“pulse”: 83,
“bodyTurnOver”: 5,
“bedTime”: [ “2022-06-30/20:01”, “2022-06-30/20:55” ],
“getUpTime”: [ “2022-06-30/20:22” ],
“duration”: “20:00~00:00”
Device id – standard def’n
readingType – SleepingMatActivity
time – standard def’n
respiration – average respiration rate per minute during interval
pulse – average pulse rate per minute during interval
bodyTurnOver – total number of times person rolled over
bedTime – separated list of times when the mat detected the presence of person and started sampling
getUpTime – separated list of times when the mat detected the absence of person and stopped sampling
SleepingMatDuration example and definitions
“deviceId”: “523523452435”,
“readingType”: “SleepingMatDuration”,
“time”: “1660057434205”,
“data”: {
“respiration”: 11,
“pulse”: 120,
“bodyTurnOver”: 5,
“rem”: 22,
“lightSleep”: 400,
“deepSleep”: 55,
“duration”: “20:00~08:00”
Device id – standard def’n
readingType – SleepingMatDuration
time – standard def’n
respiration – average respiration rate per minute during interval
pulse – average pulse rate per minute during interval
bodyTurnOver – total number of times person rolled over
rem – number of minutes of detected REM sleep type
lightSleep – number of minutes of detected light sleep type
deepSleep – number of minutes of detected deep sleep type
duration – time that sampling started and time sampling ended (ended will be 08:00)
Telli Health’s data gateway will send your data to the URL you specify when ordering your device or devices. Note: It is best practice to have a different slug per device. You only need to update your URL on first purchase of your device.
As Telli Health’s listener receives readings, we will HTTPS POST the payload to the URL you requested in your account’s set up for that device. Telli Health’s POST will come from multiple Amazon East IP addresses.
Integration Code Samples
The Telli Health integration code can segment the content of the data stream into key-value pairs. This creates data in the tables that can be used by queries. We can specify the pattern to be identified and the names of the properties to develop.
Lambda Code Example

If at any time you would like to change your URL, please send an email to
If you would like to request playback of your data, please send an email to
If you would like an export of your data in CSV, please send an email to
If you would like integration support, Telli Health can provide developers. Please email for more information. Our developer rate is $200/hr.